

Documentation for contributed items - found in nmis/contrib directory


Class-based weighted fair queue interrogation module. This module maps class names to policy-id, object-id pairs and does an SNMP get on the bytes transmitted OID.

written by Andy Brauer. Updated by Stiphane Monnier Nov2003 and rrd display routines ( select 'QOS' ) added to It is able to graph the different classes in the same graph.

	To install it :
	- put in <path_to_nmis>/bin/
	- put mcq.csv in <path_to_nmis>/conf/
	- add in mcq.csv routers you want to supervise.
	- manually create the <database_root>/cb_report directory for reports and files 
	- add an entry in crontab for
	# 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/nmis/bin/

To see the graph, go to the router, click on an interface and select the QoS type for the graphic type.



Rancid - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ - monitors a router's (or device's) configuration, including software and hardware (cards, serial numbers, etc), using CVS. Rancid logs into each of the devices in a router table file, runs various commands, chomps the output, and emails any differences from the previous collection to a mail list.

This module will parse the nmis nodes.csv file and build a rancid router.db file(s) using the NMIS group information. The rancid groups must be pre-defined as part of the rancid install - see that module user guide for instructions.

	Set a regex to skip any groups you dont want to collect - dont set to "", or all will be skipped
	my $qr_skip = qr/^XXXX/;
	rancid base directory - assume NMIS groups pre-configured by user at rancid install
	my $rancidbase = "/nmis/rancid";
	Example cron lines - run as user NMIS !
	# update the group .db
	50 20 * * * /usr/local/nmis/bin/
	# grab the configs
	52 20 * * * /usr/local/nmis/rancid/bin/do-diffs
	# clean out config differ logs
	50 21 * * * find /usr/local/nmis/rancid/logs -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;

Looking Glass

A looking glass is included with RANCID, based on Ed Kern's in use on Our version has hooks into NMIS to parse the nodes file and uses a more generic set of commands.

The default plugin in NMIS will call the looking glass scripts. Just move all the files to a base nmis/lg/.. directory.

See contrib/lg/lg.conf to setup, or follow the user guide in the rancid distribution.

	I have also included an option to skip any NMIS groups that you dont want included.
	# skip a NMIS group from being parsed as a looking glass device.


A perl cgi and css stylesheet to display a raw summary of NMIS group and node status for use in client web scripts.


The flash source code that was compiled for the flash movie used in that plots the nodes and link utilisation. Here so that the movie can be recompiled by users for different size image backgounds.



To automate adding the nodes to NMIS once they come on line (before go live, i.e. the wan interface is hooked up 2 weeks before the ethernet. Polls a router to find any new /32 addresses in the 172.18.x.x range and adds them to nodes.csv

Trace Analyser

Displays utilisation charts of each link along the path that NMIS knows about.

Copy the file to the nmis/cgi-bin directory. Run the script from a browser. Paste the output of a traceroute command to a NMIS managed node into the form, and press 'submit'. A graph of the utilisation of each intervening link that NMIS knows about will be displayed.