File Descriptions


some txt here

Draw Graph

Draw graph is a subroutine used by NMIS to produce graphs, you can embed this in any HTML you like and can be used to allow distributed access, just to a view HTML source on one of the web pages to see how. Basically you call it like this:

	<img border="0" alt="Device Health"
	file is nmis config file defaults to nmis.conf
	type must be "drawgraph"
	node is the node name
	graph can be health, cpu, memory, interface, etc.
	length is AT style, ie 2days, 1day, 2hours, etc.
	start and end default to 0 but you can start x seconds ago and end y seconds ago.
	height and width are the requested size of the image, which will actually be the size of the graph not the resulting image.

This NMIS CGI script displays a simple metric table, handy for keeping visible somewhere like an active desktop.

This displays a map and icons of each configured group. You edit the map.csv to control this. You should create and entry for each Group and find a suitable Map background icon. The colors represent the status, etc. This is intended to put up on a screen for "at a glance" checking on the network. Handy for a basic NOC monitoring function, ie colored icons change to represent the problem and you can drill in.

Uses syslocation data from a router snmp-server location latitude,longitude,altitude,label. Also need to enable sysLoc in nmis.conf - see V4 nmis.conf for details on that and associated regex.

	# device syslocation example
	snmp-server location -43.55,172.67,0,CHC1

This allow NMIS to view and edit from the web UI the CSV files used to configure NMIS. All drop boxes are now prefilled to reduce configuration errors. Make sure the the group list, domain name and ROcommunity string are updated in nmis.conf - rest of options are pre-set or derived from network information. Online help to table configuration options as of V3.2.5

This produces a VERY basic summary of the NMIS for group and node status, alows drill around, intended for WAP, PDA Web Browsers, dialup, etc.

This allows integration for other systems to send events to NMIS over HTTP, by calling URL's with required information. Quite handy to allow NMIS event and escalation subsystem to be used for this! Ie monitoring something else, oh its down, I will tell NMIS to add it to its state table and check the policy and send an alert if required.

This can be used to allow NMIS to be used in a distributed manner, this CGI can be called from remote machines to determine what this NMIS is monitoring and what the status and health of devices are.


Use in cron to rotate the NMIS log files. Note the delaycompress on cisco.log is a key parameter, so that we can concatanate the two most recent files, and therefore summarise over the split.

		example crontab line
		# Check to rotate the logs 4am every day NZT
		0 16 * * * /usr/sbin/logrotate /usr/local/nmis/conf/logrotate.conf