Specific Trap ID Full Trap OID Description
6 . Buffer Miss Big
9 . Interface Carrier Transitions
10 . Interface Resets
15 . Interface Bad Packets
38 . Memory Overloaded I/O
41 . Ethernet Single Collisions
44 . Ethernet Deferred Transmissions
60 . Interface Overloaded - Serial
63 . Frame Relay PVC Congestion BECN
65 . DLSW Transport Failures
0 . Agent CPU Overloaded
1 . Memory Overloaded Processor
18 . Interface Resets Due to Bad Packets
55 . Router Input Drops due to buffer create failures
57 . Interface Overloaded - Ethernet

Trap Items

1 naiTrapAgent Display String (SIZE(0..8)) The name of the agent that generated the trap.
2 naiTrapSeverity Integer Additional information delivered with alarm messages and indicated the critical, Major, Minor, Warning and informational. Advanced management applications can make use of this information to better evaluate the severity of the situation. This variable is only intended for use with traps; no meaning should be assumed by a Manager to the value retrieved through a Get operation on this object.
3 naiTrapDescription Octet String The alarm description.
4 naiTrapAlarmSourceAddress Octet String This information identifies the piece of equipment which is casuing the alarm.  If the information is not available, then this field can be left blank.
5 naiTrapAlarmSourceDNSName Octet String The fully qualified DNS name of the piece of equipment which is casuing the alarm.
6 naiTrapAlarmSourceSegmentName Octet String This represents the current interface information of the piece of equipment which is causing the alarm.
7 naiTrapGMTTime Timeticks The time that the condition or event occurred which caused generation of this alarm. This value is given in seconds since 00.00.00 Greenwich mean time (GMT) January 1, 1970.
8 naiTrapLocalTime Timeticks The time that the condition or event occurred which caused generation of this alarm. This value is given in seconds since 00.00.00 Local time January 1, 1970.
9 naiTrapDiagID Integer An integer identifying the diagnosis identifier which triggered this alarm from the Expert Monitor system. If not applicable, then this field can be left blank.
10 naiTrapURL Octet String A fully qualified URL link to an HTML page/FTP file for more information about the alarm.
11 naiXPMLineName Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The line name for the interface on the Agent
12 naiXPMPVC Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The Frame Relay or ATM PVC name for the interface on the Agent
13 naiXPMDLCI Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The DLCI name for the Frame Relay PVC on the Agent
14 naiXPMPeerAddress Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The peer address of the Agent
15 naiXPMDomain Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The agent domain
16 naiXPMVirtualRing Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The virtual ring name of the Agent
17 naiXPMEncapsulation Display String (SIZE(0..255)) TBD
18 naiXPMLocal Display String (SIZE(0..255)) TBD
19 naiXPMDescr Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The description of the monitored Agent
20 naiXPMHour Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The Hour of the week 1-168 this exception occured on the Agent
21 naiXPMMetric Display String (SIZE(0..255)) The Metric for the Agent